Qiwi shares fell due to possible changes in gambling law

In mid-November in Russia, it was proposed to create a single gambling regulator and cancel the current TSUPIS system through which bookmakers accept bets. According to some assumptions, this caused a sharp drop in the share price of the payment operator QIWI.

According to Forbes.ru, which received information from unnamed persons close to QIWI, the company receives a large share of its revenue from transactions with official bookmakers. For 2018, these transfers amounted to 35-40% of QIWI's revenue. But the company itself has not confirmed these data.

Since the recently proposed bill provides for the abolition of TsUPIS and, accordingly, the possible loss of part of the income, QIWI shares have fallen sharply in price. And this despite the fact that for the third quarter the company's net profit grew by 73%, as it became known from a recent report.

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